Naming Woes: Help Name Mon's Gaming Character!

The best and worse part about character creation is naming your character. Mon's facing the same problem too - will you help him? If we like your entry, you get a set of limited edition handmade GORMON notebooks - we'll even ship it to wherever you are in the world!


Gormon's First Exhibition & Booth

Hello friends!

Gormon has exciting news!

We haven't been updating as frequently because we've been very busy preparing for something exciting!

GORMON is taking part in our very first art exhibition AND we will also be having a GORMON booth selling exclusive handmade GORMON products!

Two of our pieces will be on display at the Singapore National Library (Basement near the Multipurpose Room) from the 4th to 30th of November,

The GORMON booth selling handmade GORMON products will be at the National Library Building, The Plaza on the 22nd of November from 11 AM to 5 PM.

This is in-conjunction with TCZ Studio's Creative Market.

We will have more details on this event and also the items we will be selling closer to date. Stay tuned for more news!
